Hard Edges Selection (maxscript pack)
Hard Edges Selection maxscript pack is couple of maxscript which allows select Hard Edges in Editable Poly object or in Edit Poly modifier in 3ds Max.
A Muscle Girl
Hard Edges Selection maxscript pack is couple of maxscript which allows select Hard Edges in Editable Poly object or in Edit Poly modifier in 3ds Max.
Visualization of 3d model M60 machine gun in the Arnold renderer. Work in the progress (WIP).
Straighten Edge – 3dsmax maxscript, allows you to align the vertices / edges in a straight line, which is given by two clicks.
Choosing between Poly and Mesh for modeling definitely worth to choose Poly. But, nevertheless, there are tasks, where the use of Mesh more justified than Poly. Despite the fact that Poly is essentially the evolution of Mesh, it has a number of significant differences and limitations in their work.
Poly Loop Soft Select – 3dsmax MAXScript, allows when working with Editable Poly object in Edge sub-object mode filter Soft Selection by selected edge’s loop.