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Render Region

Render Region – 3DS MAX scripted RenderEffect. Some of renderers such as Arnold or Mental Ray after render finished clear outside area, so you lose previous rendered  parts of image in VFB. Render Region restores cleared area of last rendered …..

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Lit Sphere in 3dsmax viewport directx mental ray screenshot-2

Creating Lit sphere material in 3dsmax

In this article I’d like to go back to the trend of previous years – Lit Spheres materials (also called matcap/Spherical Environment Mapping (SEM), etc.). The essence of this material is that all shader parameters: color, reflections, and so on are located on the image, where the sphere is depicted. To use such a image as material you will need a special shader which can draw out from it the necessary parameters.
This kind of materials are very useful in modeling (especially organic objects) and allow to identify errors in the topology. They have proved themselves in programs such as Mudbox and Zbrush. Presence of the library with such materials and possibility of fast switching between them considerably lighten modeling.
Just creation of Lit Sphere materials and library with them in 3dsmax we’ll do now.

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Veda 3d hair - Final render - combined two pasess

Veda Hair – part 1

For creating hair it was used a standard component 3ds Max Hair and Fur. Hairstyle was created in a way, that allows to use a different methods for calculation of hair dynamics, but not only in built dynamics. At the moment as a hair dynamics engine it is used Flex modifier, which gives a good result for rather short calculation time.

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